Blog (Page 32)

Laura Goeres Memorial Tree

On Saturday, February 6th, a small group of  family and friends of Laura Goeres gathered outside at St. Mark with Pastor Beth to give thanks for Laura’s life and to plant a crabapple tree in remembrance of her.  Laura passed away unexpectedly on December 20, 2020 at Providence St. Peter Hospital. Laura is remembered for…

Fourth Sunday of Epiphany

Welcome to worship this Sunday morning! We are thankful you are here! We apologize for the grainy appearance of today’s worship video. After multiple attempts, we were unable to fix it before Sunday morning.  (It has that “old school VHS” feel). If you would like to pariticipate in communion, we invite you to have bread…

Third Sunday in Epiphany

Welcome to worship on this Third Sunday of Epiphany!  We rejoice over the gift of Holy Baptism!  We give thanks for Bishop Rick Jaech’s sermon on what it means to follow Jesus today.  We invite you to celebrate the gift of Holy Communion.  Please have your bread and wine (or something similar) ready. God bless…

Second Sunday of Epiphany

Welcome to worship today!  On this Second Sunday of Epiphany, we hear Jesus invite disciples of every time and place,  “Follow Me.”  Philip also invites us to “Come and See.”  We gather to see Jesus and the love of God reveal to and through us.  This love makes a difference! Today’s service includes the celebration…

Baptism of Jesus – Sunday, January 10, 2021

Welcome to worship on this Sunday morning! Remember your baptism! That’s the theme today. We live in a place with an abundance of opportunities to feel God’s presence everyday with this sacramental gift- ordinary things infused with the divine. Today we learn that Jesus baptizes the water. It becomes Sacred, God’s grace poured out for…

Second Sunday of Christmas Worship

Welcome to worship on this first Sunday in the New Year and the second Sunday of the Christmas season!  This morning’s Lessons and Carols service  is a collaborative effort of 9 of our local ELCA congregations.  During worship, you will hear the Christmas scriptures and beloved carols along with back ground information.  St. Mark’s PraisRing…

First Sunday of Christmas Lessons and Carols Service

Welcome to worship on the First Sunday of Christmas! This morning’s Lessons and Carols Service was a collaborative effort involving several pastors in our Synod (including Pastor Beth and features St. Mark members offering the Prayers of the People). Listen, once again to the story of Christ’s birth, sing the beautiful carols of the Christmas…

Christmas Eve Worship

Merry Christmas!  Thank you for joining us this Christmas Eve!  Tonight’s service is a Candlelight Communion Service. We invite you to light a candle and have communion elements ready (bread and wine or something similar).  We rejoice with the angels and give thanks to God that there is always room for us in Jesus Christ! …

Fourth Sunday in Advent Worship

Welcome to worship on this Fourth Sunday in Advent.  Our children and students lead us in worship today!  They bless us with their genuine faith and Christmas joy!  Today we celebrate Holy Communion so have bread and wine (or something similar) ready. All are welcome at the Lord’s Table. T This morning, we also give…