Professor of contextual theology and ethics Craig L. Nessan, in his article Tear Down Magical Walls, suggests that congregations are summoned to form members who can connect faith and life. This requires adaptive change to turn congregations inside-out. Educational programs for all ages should begin to explore what faith means for daily life. Members should be…
Welcome to worship! Today we hear the beloved 23rd Psalm and the second sermon in a series on the book of Ephesians. Our service includes the celebration of Holy Communion. Please have your own bread and wine (or something similar) ready if you would like to participate. We are glad you are here!
Love thy neighbor. Get vaccinated. | Faiths4Vaccines: A Multifaith Movement May 11, 2021 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America As part of the Faiths4Vaccines initiative, prominent faith leaders explain how receiving the vaccine is an expression of love for one’s neighbors. Faiths4Vaccines is an inclusive, multifaith movement comprised of local and national religious leaders, as well…
From ELCA ADvocacy – July 16, 2021 U.S. representatives regularly return to their home districts to stay engaged with their constituents. Traditionally, August Recess is one such time – and while everyone needs some rest and relaxation, lawmakers are likely busy during this period with Town Halls, arranged meetings and other contact points that give you a…
Welcome to worship! We are glad you are here. This morning we begin a sermon series on the book of Ephesians. Our service today includes Holy Communion. Please have your bread and wine ready if you would like to participate. God bless you!
Welcome to worship on this 6th Sunday of Pentecost! Today we hear the story of Jesus returning to his home town and sending out his disciples. Our service includes the celebration of Holy Communion. Please have your bread and wine (or something similar) ready if you would like to participate. The worship bulletin is found…
With the re-opening of our State, we are delighted to begin re-opening things at St. Mark! We are loosening some of our restrictions while also desiring to keep everyone safe. Church Council will re-evaluate this plan at the July 20th meeting. The re-opening plan for St. Mark is as follows: We will continue to have two…
Welcome to worship today! It is good to be together as the people of God. We thank Pastor Matt March for being our preacher and presider this morning while our pastors were away. We hear how a woman received healing when she touched the hem of Jesus’ garment and a girl was restored to life…
An alternate expression of God’s Work Our Hands. If many little people, in many little places, do many little things, they can change the face of the earth.
This morning we celebrated the Rite of Confirmation Part 2 for Ziah! We rejoice over the faith and compassion of this young woman. You are welcome to watch the whole 11:00am service here: