Blog (Page 27)

17th Sunday of Pentecost

Welcome to worship on this 17th Sunday of Pentecost! Today we bless the harvest from the St. Mark Community Garden and are challenged to grow and harvest peace, welcome, and humble service in our lives. This service includes Holy Communion. If you would like to participate, please have your bread and wine available. God bless…

A Message from the Bishop

A People of Hope: Until All Are Fed An online benefit for ELCA World Hunger When: Thursday, Oct. 14, 7:30 p.m. Central time Where: Zoom webinar Dear friend in Christ, You’re invited to join me and Rick Steves, guidebook author and travel TV host, as we celebrate World Food Day! This online benefit for ELCA…

16th Sunday of Pentecost – Sept 12, 2021

Welcome to worship at St. Mark Lutheran in Lacey WA. We celebrate communion every time we gather together as the people of God, so have those communion elements ready. The sermon question is- What does it mean to take up your cross, and follow Jesus? Pastor Eric offers a response to that. Thank you for…

15th Sunday of Pentecost – Sept 5, 2021

Welcome to worship this morning! We hear the Gospel story of Jesus healing the Syrophoenician woman’s daughter and man who was deaf. Pastor Eric reflects on these healing stories and how God’s healing touches our lives. We celebrate Holy Communion today. Please have your bread and wine ready if you would like to participate. God…

14th Sunday After Pentecost Worship + August 29, 2021

Welcome to worship on this 14th Sunday of Pentecost!  We are thankful you are here.  This morning we hear a conversation between Jesus and the religious leaders who challenge him.  Jesus reminds them that God cares about what is in our hearts.  Pastor Beth encourages us to open our hearts to live God’s love in…

12th Sunday after Pentecost – August 15, 2021

Today’s theme for the service, from Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians, is about always giving thanks to God. There are lots of ways to do that. The sermon explores that. We have great music and communion as well, so have those elements ready. Pastor Eric reads a fun new book to the students of our…

11th Sunday after Pentecost, Aug. 8, 2021

Welcome to worship at St. Mark! Today we continue with a sermon series on the Letter of Paul to the Ephesians. In this reading, Paul shares with us what we are called to do, and how to be, as the people of God. We also sing some great songs and share communion. So, have those…

10th Sunday of Pentecost, August 1, 2021

Welcome to worship today. In this recording Pastor Eric continues the sermon series on the Letter to the Ephesians, looking at chapter 4, exploring what speaking truth in love means for us, as the people of God. Communion is part of this service as well, so have your elements ready. Thank you for watching, and…

Updated Mask Guidelines for St. Mark

This week Thurston County updated mask guidelines to “strongly encourage” and Washington State to “highly recommend” we mask indoors in public spaces regardless of our vaccination status. These changes were made to be in compliance with new CDC guidelines which state the same.  These updates are a result of newer findings in COVID-19  transmission and…