Blog (Page 25)

15 New Members Received

On October 17th, 15 new members were received into the St. Mark congregation. Some of these new members began attending St. Mark before  all churches were closed due to the Governor’s COVID 19 mandates. Others started attending after viewing our video-taped church services on line during the pandemic! New members include Jim and Myrna S., Inge…

Animals are Blessed! 2021

Once again, our St. Mark traditional Blessing of the Animals was held on Sunday the 3rd of October. In celebrating our beloved pets, we mark this day in honor of the great peacemaker and lover of all creation, St. Francis of Assisi. Click on the images to enlarge.

What Is a Carbon Footprint?

Ever wondered what a carbon footprint really is? Or how about the green house effect? In an article published by FutureLearn, those and other climate related terms are explained and suggestions made for everyday steps we can take to care for God’s creations. FutureLearn offers these brief definitions: Carbon footprint. A measure of the total amount…

21st Sunday of Pentecost

Welcome to worship!  This morning we celebrate the reception of 15 new members and the return of the Chancel Choir!  In her sermon, Pastor Beth explores what it means when Jesus says “Whoever wants to be great among you, must be servant of all.”   Worship includes Holy Communion.  If you would like to participate,…

20th Sunday of Pentecost

Welcome to worship on this 20th Sunday of Pentecost!  Pastor Eric preaches on Jesus’s challenging teaching about riches and the reign of God. PraisRing offers two beautiful musical pieces. This service also includes Holy Communion. Please have your bread and wine (or something similar) ready if you would like to participate. God bless you as…

19th Sunday of Pentecost

Welcome to worship as we celebrate St. Francis and the Blessing of the Animals!  Pastor Beth also offers a special blessing and message for our children.   The sermon tackles Jesus’ conversation with the Pharisees about divorce and the blessing of children. Jesus is always concerned about the most vulnerable. The service includes Holy Communion.…

18th Sunday of Pentecost

Welcome to worship on the 18th Sunday of Pentecost! This morning we are reminded how Jesus values and welcomes the good being done in the world.  Worship includes the celebration of Holy Communion. Please have your bread and wine (or something similar) ready if you would like to participate. We pray this service feeds you as…

God’s Work Our Hands St. Mark Style

Just two ways the generous people of St. Mark chose to make a positive impact in the community this week. The Social Justice Team spearheaded an effort to put together care packages for homeless people as a part of “God’s Work. Our Hands.” Sunday.  There was an amazing response from our congregation over the last several…

17th Sunday of Pentecost

Welcome to worship on this 17th Sunday of Pentecost! Today we bless the harvest from the St. Mark Community Garden and are challenged to grow and harvest peace, welcome, and humble service in our lives. This service includes Holy Communion. If you would like to participate, please have your bread and wine available. God bless…