Blog (Page 24)

Epiphany Sunday

Welcome to worship on Epiphany Sunday!  This service is full of festive music and lessons that reflect the “light” of Christ!  We are thankful you are here!   Today’s service includes Holy Communion.  Please have your bread and wine (or something similar) ready if you would like to participate.   God bless you as you…

First Sunday after Christmas

Welcome to worship on this First Sunday after Christmas. We are thankful you are here.  Today’s service was a Lessons and Carols service.  We hear 7 different readings and sing many of our favorite Christmas Carols.  Pastor Beth’s sermon was quite “wordy” where she explores what it means that Jesus is the Word of God. …

Christmas Eve 10:00pm Choral Candlelight Communion Service

Welcome to worship on this holy night as we celebrate the birth of Christ!  Tonight’s service is Choral Candlelight Communion Service.  We give thanks for the musical offerings of our Chancel Choir and PraisRing Bell Choir.  Merry Christmas!   (We apologize for the quality of the video.  Due to technical difficulties in processing, we are…

Fourth Sunday in Advent 2021

Welcome to worship on this Fourth Sunday in the Season of Advent.  We celebrate the baptism of Rylee and join our hearts and voices with Mary as we sing the Magnificat! If you would like to participate in Holy Communion, please have your bread and wine (or something similar) ready. God bless you as you…

New Members Jerry & Marilyn Shackelford

Marilyn and Jerry Shackelford were received as new members of St. Mark in October. They transferred from Twin Harbors Lutheran Church in Grayland, Washington. Prior to that they attended Emmanuel Lutheran in Venice, Florida. Marilyn grew up in Minnesota and Jerry was raised in Illinois. Jerry is a graduate of Oregon State University. He was employed…

Third Sunday in Advent

Welcome to worship on the Third Sunday in Advent!  We are thankful you are here!   Welcome to the Third Sunday of Advent! Today, we hear another scripture reading about John the Baptist who is calling us to repentance in preparation for Christ. We sing and rejoice at the coming of the Lord! The bells…

Second Sunday of Advent – 2021

Welcome to worship on the Second Sunday of Advent! This week we light two candles in our Advent wreath and hear John the Baptist’s call to “Prepare the Way of the Lord!” Pastor Beth encourages us to reflect upon what this means for us and our lives. Our service includes Holy Communion. Please have your…

Giving Tree

St. Mark, it’s time for our Giving Tree for children at Hawks Prairie Head Start and Friendly Grove Preschool! Please look in emails sent from the church office for the link to sign up on SignUp Genius. We still have names available. Gifts can be brought to church on Sundays December 5 and 12. Volunteers…

Summer of 2021 was a HOT ONE!

Gary D, our Chief Gardener, two garden interns and a handful of volunteers somehow managed to get 13,216 pounds of produce to the Thurston County Food Bank – in spite of a record breaking heat wave and drought conditions. For two years rabbits have ravaged the garden in early spring – in spite of our…