Blog (Page 23)

Sixth Sunday after Epiphany

Welcome to worship on this Sixth Sunday after Epiphany! Today we hear the Beatitudes according to Luke.  These teachings of Jesus challenge us to look at ourselves and our lives.  PraisRing Bell Choir offers two beautiful anthems with MacKenzie Kennedy accompanying one of them. Our musicians Terry Shaw and Benjamin Martin create music that touches…

Climate Diet #2: Families and Homes

This second and continuing episode of “Climate Diet” includes climate consciousness relating to families and homes. A child born today in the US will generate 16 tons of CO2- per year for the rest of their life.  Families are also one of the greatest joys humans have – how to reconcile the two?? Here are…

Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

Welcome to worship!  It is good to be together as the people of God.  This morning we hear Jesus call Simon to fish for people.  We are reminded Jesus often calls us to take a step of faith and trust God is faithful.  There is wonderful music today!  If you would like to participate in…

Fourth Sunday of Epiphany + Beatles Sunday!

Welcome to worship this morning!  We are delighted to have you join us for this Fourth Sunday of Epiphany and Beatle’s Sunday!  All of our worship music is composed of Beatles tunes.  Our scripture lessons remind us love is all we need!  Love is patient and kind.  God bless you as you live with kindness…

Third Sunday after Epiphany

Welcome to worship!  It is good to be together as the people of God!   This morning, Pastor Beth tells the story of Nehemiah, Ezra, and the Jewish people’s return to Jerusalem from Babylon.  She reminds us: God is faithful!   The music today will lift your spirits!  If you would like to participate in…

Second Sunday after Epiphany

Welcome to worship!  It is good to be together as the people of God!  Today’s service is filled with inspirational music.  We hear the story of the first miracle of Jesus in the Gospel of John.   Today’s service includes Holy Communion.  Please have your bread and wine (or something similar) ready if you would like…

Under Pressure

Did you know that as outdoor temperatures fall, tire pressure goes down? Low tire pressure can decrease your car’s fuel efficiency, wear down the tire tread unevenly, and make your car harder to handle on the road. In the bigger picture, if 40% of 5 million cars on the road don’t have properly inflated tires,…

Baptism of Jesus

Welcome to worship!  Today we celebrate the Baptism of Jesus and reflect upon our own baptisms.  PraisRing offers two beautiful bell anthems.  Our worship includes Holy Communion.  Please have your bread and wine (or something similar) ready so you can participate.  God bless you as you worship!