Welcome to worship! On this second Sunday in Lent we learn about how Jesus gathers his children of God together. Just as a hen gathers her brood under her wings. If you wish to join during the time of communion, please have your bread and wine ready. Have a blessed day.
Welcome to worship! These forty days called Lent are like no other. It is our time to return to the God who rescues and to receive the gifts of God’s grace. If you would like to join during communion time, please have your bread and wine ready. God bless you!
In the fifth and final summary offering of the “Climate Diet”, suggestions revolve around systems, policies and educating others about causes you personally identify with. As you’ll see below, small and local action can result in national change. Be specific. Ask for change within your legislator’s scope of authority. In Washington State right now is…
Welcome to worship! This morning we hear how Jesus was transfigured on the mountain top and we are reminded to listen to him. If you would like to participate in Holy Communion, have your bread and wine ready. God bless you.
“Money is the Oxygen on Which the Fire of Global Warming Burns” ~ Bill McKibben. Money, property, investments. All have a part to play in “going clean”. In the fourth summary of “Climate Diet” you’ll find tips to save and spend in ways that can help mitigate climate-related issues. Pressure your financial institutions to be…
We often ask new St. Mark members to share about themselves so the congregation can get to know them better. Jim and Nancy J joined St. Mark in October 2021 and they graciously provided the following. Jim, a retired teacher, was born in Cleveland, Ohio, where he attended church as a child. His parents are…
Welcome to worship on this 7th Sunday of Epiphany! Today we hear the story of Joseph and his brothers and listen to Jesus’ teaching to love one another–even those difficult people! Terry Shaw sings “Peace in the Valley” along with accompaniment on the saxophone by Ben Martin. Today’s service includes Holy Communion. Please have your…
It is said, “The space between home and the rest of the world is the hole into which we pour most of our emissions”. FUEL is a huge consideration when trying to make changes in the preservation of the environment. In this, the third installment of the “Climate Diet” summary, consider the following ideas. Trade…
Welcome to worship on this Sixth Sunday after Epiphany! Today we hear the Beatitudes according to Luke. These teachings of Jesus challenge us to look at ourselves and our lives. PraisRing Bell Choir offers two beautiful anthems with MacKenzie Kennedy accompanying one of them. Our musicians Terry Shaw and Benjamin Martin create music that touches…
This second and continuing episode of “Climate Diet” includes climate consciousness relating to families and homes. A child born today in the US will generate 16 tons of CO2- per year for the rest of their life. Families are also one of the greatest joys humans have – how to reconcile the two?? Here are…