Welcome to today’s service! It is Creation Sunday. We look into the readings and see that the light comes from the darkness. Spread this newfound light to all who need a nice reminder of God’s grace. If you would like to participate in communion please have your wine and bread ready.
Welcome to today’s service! It is Easter Sunday and Jesus has risen from the dead. We celebrate today with kindness and joy. If you wish to join in on communion, please have your wine and bread ready.
Dear Friends, Our Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton offers the church this Easter greeting:
We welcome you to our Holy Week services at St. Mark! Maundy Thursday, April 14 at 7:00pm – with a simple soup supper at 6:00pm in our Parish Hall Good Friday, April 15 at 12noon and 7:00pm Easter Sunday, April 17 at 8:00am and 10:00am God bless and be with you this week!
Welcome to today’s service. Today is Palm Sunday and this is the day when Jesus becomes crucified for our sins. If you wish to participate in the Holy Communion then please have your wine and bread ready to do so. Have a great week.
After 2 years of pandemic isolation, St. Mark Community Garden held its annual Potato Planting event. 1000 row-feet of potatoes are grown each year for the Thurston County Food Bank. Over thirty people, large and small showed up for some gardening, some visiting, some refreshments, and some joy. Please enjoy the pictures from the predicted…
Welcome to today’s worship service. In this fifth Sunday in Lent we learn how Jesus taught about the poor during Mary’s anointment. If you wish to participate in communion please have your wine and bread with you. Have a great day.
Calling all Volunteers!! Saturday April 2nd we will plant 200 pounds of seed potatoes in the St. Mark Community Garden. This has been an annual event since 2011 but the last two years the pandemic prevented us from gathering. Last Sunday, a group of members, including some darling children, planted our four pea beds. The rain…
Welcome to today’s service. We come together on this fourth Sunday in Lent and learn about how Jesus’ grace reaches to all those who look for it. If you wish to participate in communion, please have your bread and wine with you. Have a great day!
Welcome to today’s worship! This Sunday we learn about the value of second chances and the values of patience that Jesus taught. If you wish to participate in communion, please have your wine and bread ready for that. Have a great week!