We won’t let this moment pass. Call today and use your actions to demand policy change. We refuse to numb ourselves to the horrors of recent tragedies including those in Buffalo, N.Y.; Uvalde, Texas; and additional near-daily shootings in communities across our country. Sadly, we and our leaders have failed to respond to the call…
Welcome to this week’s service. We gather today to learn about how the wind may guide us in our journey to spread love and the teachings of Jesus. If you wish to participate in communion please have your wine and bread ready to do so.
Welcome to today’s service. Today we join together to worship Jesus as he ascends. If you would like to join during communion, please have your wine and bread ready.
Welcome to today’s service. This Sunday we learn about Jesus healing someone in need at a festival. If you would like to participate in communion, please have your bread and wine ready.
Welcome to today’s service! We learn about what it means to give love and how we can love others. If you would like to join in for communion, please have your bread and wine ready.
Welcome to this week’s service. Today we learn to follow Jesus in his teachings of love and worship. If you would like to join for communion, please have your bread and wine ready.
All are welcome to attend the new “Rock Vespers” at St. Mark on Saturday May 14, June 11, July 9, and Aug 13 at 6pm in the sanctuary. Terry Shaw, John Martin, Benjamin Martin and other community musicians will offer this welcoming service filled with a variety of popular rock music. Although the service will…
Welcome to today’s service! We celebrate the ministry and faith of our retiring accompanist Rae Corbin. If you would like to join during communion, please have bread and wine ready to do so.
Thanks to a Thrivent Grant received for our St. Mark Community Garden, we now have a new section called a “pollinator garden”. This garden was designed and planted with specific nectar and pollen producing plants that will attract certain insects known as “pollinators”. Both plants and seeds were planted, including milkweed plants for Monarch butterflies. This…
After service on Sunday April 22, members of the St. Mark Social Justice Team produced a wonderful display in the Parish Hall to celebrate Earth Day and our recent ministry of Caring for Creation. Tables were filled with examples and information available to peruse on composting, recycling, tree conservation, books on environmental topics, transportation options,…