Blog (Page 18)

Meet New Member Darcy Huffman

On June 5, Darcy Huffman was received as a new member of St. Mark. Darcy grew up in both Snohomish and a small town in Southeast Kansas called Sedan. She also lived in a number of other states including Arkansas, Alabama, and Colorado. For eight years, Darcy lived in Germany where she worked in military…

4th Sunday after Pentecost

Welcome to today’s service! If you would like to join in on communion, please have your wine and bread ready. We also celebrate the baptism of Emilie Marie Neely, Makena Irene and Alena Lynn Neely-Turran which happened on Thursday.

Summer Bible Study

Pastor Eric will be leading a six-week Bible study based on the book The Difficult Words of Jesus, A Beginner’s Guide to His Most Perplexing Teachings written by Amy-Jill Levine.  It will be held via Zoom at 7 p.m. on six Wednesday evenings beginning this coming Wednesday, June 29.  No need to worry if you won’t be able to make…

2nd Sunday After Pentecost

Welcome to today’s service. Thank you to Carol Schneider and Vicki Labensky for filling in the role as the worship leaders. We are very thankful for you both! If you would like to join in for communion, please have your wine and bread ready to do so.  

New member Lili Berkley

On June 5, 2022, Lili Berkley was welcomed as a new member into the St. Mark Congregation. Lili graciously offered to share some information so we could get to know a little more about her. “I was born in Nebraska.  I still have aunts and cousins that live in the Lincoln area, and we remain…

ELCA Message on Homelessness

Support Affordable Housing and Homeless Funding in FY23 Budget Tell Congress: Prioritize housing and homeless programs in the FY23 federal budget This spring, House and Senate committee members advanced an annually passed Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development (HUD) spending bill which would set funding levels for critical housing and homeless programs through the federal…

Holy Trinity

Welcome to Holy Trinity Sunday! Many thanks to Pastor Matt March for doing pulpit supply today and to PraisRing for offering special music! We are thankful you are here!

A Message from the ELCA on Gun Violence

We won’t let this moment pass. Call today and use your actions to demand policy change. We refuse to numb ourselves to the horrors of recent tragedies including those in Buffalo, N.Y.; Uvalde, Texas; and additional near-daily shootings in communities across our country. Sadly, we and our leaders have failed to respond to the call…