The change to winter worship hours occurred on Sept 11, 2011 when Sunday worship changed to 8:30am and 11:00am. The abbreviated version of this schedule appears in the “blue box” on the right of the St Mark homepage. A more complete listing appears on the Worship Service page under the Worship item on the main menu. This…
During the recent Women of the ELCA convention attended by a number of St Mark women in July 2011, one of the workshops attended was entitled “Chemical Craze: Detoxifying Your Home” by Danielle Welliever. “With increasing frequency, we hear about studies linking chemicals in everyday household products to negative effects on our health. In fact,…
“Environment – Caring for Creation: Vision, Hope, and Justice” is a social statement of the ELCA. It is the heart of the ELCA position on the environment. You can find it on our Resource Links Page (accessible from the extreme top menu) by scrolling down to the first entry in the Helping the Earth section.…
The Church Council Page (listed on the About Us menu) has been updated. Newly-elected Council Members are now listed along with the updated positions and term expiration dates for all seven council members. Council Assistants are also listed and the function each one performs is noted. The description of the Council’s functions has been enhanced…
What is the proper temperature to refrigerate fruits and vegetables? Should produce be stored in plastic bags? Do I wash fruits prior to storing them or just before serving? If you attended St. Mark’s Feed & Weed Potluck and Educational Class on July 27th, you know the answers! Our very own Karen B gave an informative presentation, “Food Safety…
“Lutheran Woman Today” magazine is changing its name to “Gather” effective September 2011.
[The concluding session of the Divine Drama class is Aug 25, 2011.] The Bible Study for Spring and Summer 2011 led by Pastor Linda Nou is called The Divine Drama: A Biblical Narrative by Dr. Harry Wendt. This study outlines the biblical storyline from creation to Jesus the Messiah. It is essential to know something…
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) will be assembling in Orlando for their 12th Churchwide Assembly, August 15-20, 2011. The assembly provides a marvelous opportunity to affirm our identity as the ELCA and celebrate God’s mission that flows from it. What an opportunity to witness a church that shares a living, daring confidence in…
Chapter 15 of the Divine Drama Student Workbook will be covered 8/25/2011 at the Thursday Morning (10am) Pastor’s Bible Study. Everyone is welcome. Chapter 15 is titled “The Messianic Age Today” and is the third of the 4 chapters on the New Testament. The subsections of chapter 15 are titled “Parallels and Contrasts”, “Covenants – Then and Now”, “Jesus,…
On July 31, the gospel lesson from Matthew 14 was the story of the “Feeding of the Five Thousand. ” During the children’s message, the children were invited to move among the congregation and collect any coins those gathered in worship had on hand to feed the hungry crowd. The congregation was invited to offer any change they had in their…