Blog (Page 110)

“Seniors Together” Meeting and Media Presentation

Seniors Together will meet January 10 at 1:00 pm in the Parish Hall; the topic this month will be communication. Pam Buckner will talk to us about the church newsletters, the Sunday bulletin, and the prayer chain. We will also have representatives of the St Mark website committee on hand for a presentation and demonstration…

January 2012 Sunday School

Sunday school has had a great time during the Advent season. Our big project was the “Live Nativity” presented during the Family 4:00 pm service on Christmas Eve. We will finish up our last Advent lesson for the rotational Sunday school on January 8 and then move to our series, “The Lord’s Prayer.” We are…

Christmas Eve 2011

Advent Christmas Epiphany Liturgical Art

David Nelson has, once again, blessed us with the creation of a seasonal  mural for the Christmas season. This is the painting on the Narthex wall Christmas Eve.  Come to church each week through Epiphany to watch the artwork unfold. Thank you, David, for enhancing our worship experience with your beautiful art!

Time with Children

Sunday School Happenings!

The Sunday School kids from preschool through 6th grade have had a great time this fall learning Bible lessons in new and fun ways through the Spark curriculum.  We’ve completed units on “The Sower” and “The Creation Story”.  Thanks to all of you in the congregation who have volunteered your time and talents to helping the…

Giving Tree

St. Mark families are again providing gifts of new clothing or shoes for children from the Hawk’s Prairie and Friendly Grove (previously Rogers) Centers for Head Start. This year there are a total of 152 children from the two schools. The Giving Tree works like this…St. Mark receives names, clothing suggestions and gift tags from…

Mountain View Elementary thanks St. Mark!!

35 Mountain View Elementary families received Thanksgiving meals through the generosity of our St. Mark congregation!  This is the second year that we have shared our blessings with Mountain View families – last year we supplied 23 baskets and this year our goal was 30 but we had enough for 35 families.  Thanks so much…

Fall Clean-up

Have you noticed a shine on the pews in the sanctuary? How about the absence of piles of leaves in the parking lot? And the walls of the hallway…aren’t they whiter and brighter? All of this, and more, is due to the crew of hard-working members who showed up for the Fall Cleanup Day, Saturday, November…

St. Mark Volleyball Starts Strong

St. Mark’s 2011-2012 volleyball season is off to a great start. Based on last year’s final standing in C Division, our team was “bumped up” to B Division this year, a more competetive  level. The first seven matches of the season are considered “pre-season”. Our win/loss record for those four matches will determine our final Division…

Thanksgiving Baskets

All Thanksgiving foods due to church Sunday November 20th!

Remember to bring all your Thanksgiving basket items to the church this Sunday November 20th.  The Dean of Students will be at Mountain View Elementary to take our Frozen items on Sunday and the rest of the baskets will be delivered Monday morning.  We hope to provide between 25-30 baskets. Thanks in advance to all…

Environment and Energy

“Environment and Energy” is a page on the ELCA website about environmental advocacy. Check it out by going to our Resource Links page (on the extreme top menu) and then scrolling down to the third item in the Helping the Earth section. Some quotes from that page are shown below. “The Environmental Education and Advocacy program…