Blog (Page 109)

Community Garden Plots Available

St. Mark Community Garden has garden plots available for community members that would like to grow their own vegetables. The raised beds are 8 feet by 8 feet or 8 feet by 3 feet. For those folks that have difficulty bending over, a few plots are 3 feet high. The beds have organic compost, and…

Our Lenten Journey — Hunger: Physical and Spiritual

Lent is a time of prayer, service, and self-examination. During this time, many of us choose to live simpler lives, remembering those who do not have the food, money, or resources to simply live. Here at St. Mark we will walk with those who are hungry and living in poverty this Lenten season. Matthew 25:35…

Sunday School Schedule

Find an activity that you would like to lead or assist with for one Sunday and sign up on the paper copy in the narthex. We’ll provide lesson plans for you from the Spark curriculum, or if you have an idea of something you’d like to do but aren’t sure where it might fit in,…

SMOGS Valentine’s Breakfast

SMOGS (St Mark Old Guys) will meet at 8:30am on Feb 16 in the St Mark Parish Hall for their Valentine’s Breakfast. This is the SMOGS normal weekly meeting time. The wives of the SMOGS and other special invited guests will be attending. The SMOGS will be demonstrating their amazing cooking skills. This is an…

Earla's beautiful plot!

St. Mark Community Garden News

We know it is currently winter but SPRING is just around the corner and the Garden committee is busily planning to ensure a successful growing season.  Our goal is to plant the same amount of potatoes (2,000 row feet) and Oregon Sugar pod peas (200 row feet)  as last year, and to use any unassigned…

“Seniors Together” Valentine’s Party

Seniors Together are planning a Valentine’s party on Tuesday, February 14 at 1:00. Bring a story or poem, or share the story of how you met your spouse. We will have ice cream sundaes and other goodies. Please join us for fun, lots of laughs, and good fellowship. If you need a ride, contact Audrey H. “Love is…

Sunday School February 2012

St. Mark Sunday School children are mid-way through their study of the Lord’s Prayer. We are learning the story and meaning of this prayer from many different angles, enjoying everything from games, singing and chanting, to making picture books, and having fun with food in the kitchen. We’re working on getting the prayer memorized, and…

February Quarter Circle

Women of St. Mark: We will be meeting at Margit’s home on Tuesday, February 28 at 6:30 pm (NOTE: THIS IS A DATE CHANGE) to share food (bring a main dish, salad, or dessert) and insight on the book of the quarter. This quarter’s read is, “I Count My Blessings. Each Day Is a Gift, a…


Join us this Sunday – SPORTS SUNDAY –  as we share our joy for JESUS and all things sports-related. Finding yourself in the spiritual neutral zone? Pastor Linda’s locker room sermon will inspire you to move like the offense toward a personal touchdown with God. Forget being on the offending team and be part of…