Blog (Page 101)

Rich Toward God: Sermon 1 with Andy Stanley

These are the highlights of the 1st of the 4 sermons by Andy Stanley.  They are very engaging, and enlightening!   If you miss one and want to see it, come by the church and watch it mid-week! Reflection:  Pastor Andy Stanley offers us ways to practice being rich,  so that when we become rich…

Rich Toward God: A Stewardship Series with Pastor Andy Stanley

Come to worship January 13,20,27, and February 3 to hear (through video presentation) one of the best preachers in the country share with us a deep, insight-filled understanding of extravagant generosity, “the hallmark of our Christian faith.” Not only will you gain a greater understanding of what it means to be a generous steward of…

Turns out there’s more than Lutherans in this world!

Come join us Tuesday mornings at 10am to learn about the history and practices of many of the major faiths in the world.  We will cover Islam, Orthodox and Roman Catholic Christianity, Hinduism, Protestant Christianity, Buddhism, and Judaism.  It is in DVD format, and has been followed by a vigorous discussion of what was watched.  If you…

Brent C

What is the relationship between plants and people?   This is the basic question that enthnobotanists contemplate and study.  Humans have obviously had a relationship with plants since the beginning.  How humans have impacted plant species and populations on Earth, and how plants have impacted human development is a fascinating dynamic that I have been interested…

Sunday Morning Pastor’s Class – H2O

Sunday Morning Adult Study Class will continue using the DVD-based series H²O. It is a 10-week learning opportunity that conveys the Christian faith with visual parables, and thought-provoking presentations of how to live out our faith. It is a great review for those who have been in the church for awhile and those who are…

Tuesday Mornings to offer a Class on the Religions of the World

Narrated by Academy Award winner Ben Kingsley, this series offers insights into the striking similarities and vast differences among the world’s major religions. Each volume studies the ways religion helps structure society, unifies and divides cultures, and shapes world events. Each 50-minute episode presents a fresh look at the history of our world through the…

New Art for Christmas 2012

Each Advent and Lenten season we are blessed with special artwork in the Sanctuary.  Advent 2012 artwork began with an angel  on the Sanctuary wall.  Sunday December 16th  a second  angel appeared  suspended from the ceiling.  Here Pastor Beth is giving the children’s sermon on this Sunday.  Join us for the final Sunday in Advent,…

Mid-Week Advent Services

Come and join us for a time of prayer and preparation as we lean into anticipation of our Emmanuel being born. We will meet on Wednesdays – December 5, 12, and 19. Potluck dinner will be at 5:45 pm, with prayer and worship to follow at 6:30 pm. We will continue with our tradition of…

Parable of the Ten Pounds

Join us at 10 am on Tuesday, Dec 18, as we come together to study the “The Parable of the Ten Pounds” with Pastors Beth and Eric. Join us for good conversation over coffee or tea. (Luke 19:11-27) 11 As they were listening to this, he went on to tell a parable, because he was…