Worship Assistants

Worship Assistant positions needed each Sunday are as follows:

Ushers – Two for each service on Sundays

Acolyte – One for each service on Sundays

Communion Servers – Four for each service on Sundays

Lector – One for each service on Sundays

Liturgist – One for each service on Sundays

Hospitality Host – One or two for each Sunday

Flowers – One for each Sunday


Other Volunteer positions (check with office for details):

Bulletin Folders – About two per week

Communion Bread Bakers – About one per week

Bread & Wine Preparation (Altar Guild) – About two per week

The Master Worship Assistant Schedule is in the  Office Administrator’s office and a paper copy is posted in the hallway between the Sanctuary and Parish Hall. Sign up by contacting the Office Administrator by phone at 360-491-2052, by E-mail, by webmail, or sign up on the paper copy in the hallway.