As was previously shared, we are excited to return to in-person worship services on Sunday, May 2! Worship with Holy Communion will be at 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. with 75 people being able to attend each service. Whether we continue with two services each Sunday afterwards will depend on attendance numbers. To better prepare you for what to expect as you return to on-site worship, here are several key guidelines that are being put in place to minimize risk to those who wish to worship in person.
- If you decide to attend Sunday worship in person, you must pre-register. On Monday, April 26, an email will be sent with directions and a link to SignUpGenius which will enable you to sign up to attend either service as well as volunteer as a greeter, an usher, or a cleaner. Registration will close when the seating capacity for each service is met. Only those with reservations will be able to attend worship that Sunday.
- Those from the community who wish to register should call the church office at 360 491-2052.
- Masks will be worn at all times. If you leave your house and accidentally forget your mask, there will be disposable masks available at church.
- Hand sanitizer will be available as you enter the church.
- Before entering the sanctuary, please pick up your own bulletin from the stack available. At the conclusion of the service, you can either keep your bulletin or deposit it for recycling in the box provided. The bulletins cannot be reused.
- Seating will be socially distanced. Up to 15 people from 2 families may sit together.
- Dress warm. To maximize air flow in the building, the front door and some of the sanctuary windows will be open.
- All Bibles, hymnals, welcome cards, and writing tablets have been removed from the pew racks to aid in the cleaning of the sanctuary.
- While we cannot safely bring back our tremendous Chancel Choir at this time, singing while wearing masks can be done by the congregation.
- Restrooms will be available with occupancy restricted to two people at a time.
- There will be no nursery service available.
- There will be no coffee hour between worship services.
- You will be asked to leave the building immediately after the service.
- The backs of the pews, door handles, restrooms, and any other high touch areas will be cleaned after each service.
For those who are unable to attend, a video will be produced. While we all are eager to be together again, we acknowledge that each individual must carefully consider many factors in deciding whether to attend any in-person event. We want to encourage everyone to demonstrate love and concern for our brothers and sisters in Christ by making choices that will protect their health and well-being, as well as your own. If you do not feel well or should you have flu-like symptoms, you are asked to stay home.
Thank you for your patience, understanding, and support during this time of transition. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the church office at 360.491.2052, Pastor Eric at 360.591.9949, or Pastor Beth at 360.591.5533.