Bishop Rick Jaech joined us on “God’s Work, Our Hands” Sunday to celebrate the beginning of our “Clean Kids” program (laundromat for homeless kids in the North Thurston School District), and the dedication of our new “GUS” (Garden Utility Shed).
Bishop preached the sermon and talked about the “Soggy” moments of our lives.When he was 7 years old and on a family camping trip, he woke up in a soggy sleeping bag and wet flannel pajamas because he had wet the bed. Very ashamed and embarrassed he snuck out of the tent to go to the camp ground bathroom but was stymied by a family packing up their campsite. He didn’t want to embarrass himself by walking past them in his wet pajamas so he hid behind a tree for a long time. To add insult to injury, a seagull lit on the branch above him and pooped on his shoulder!
When he came back to the tent his folks were so happy to see him as they had worried when he was gone such a long time. They saw his embarrassment, quickly stripped off the soggy P.J’s, helped him into new ones, and let him slip in between them in their warm sleeping bag. Bishop Jaech said that this was his first ‘grace filled moment’. He was safe and warm and loved, and it felt so good after his cold, embarrassing episode.
Bishop Jaech shared with us that this is how God’s love and grace is – protective and safe, peaceful and loving – and we find this most times during the hardest times of our lives – our “soggy” moments.
Please click on the link below to hear the sermon and thank you, Bishop Jaech, for joining us this festive Sunday.