Our Everest Moment

Using our large media screen to vividly illustrate his words, Pastor Eric invited us to consider our next expression of generosity…our next “Everest Moment”!

Pastor cited inspiring examples of generosity like Jeff Shinabarger (Ted Talk: “What If We Could Live A Life of Excessive Generosity?”)

and Toby Ord, a Philosophy Professor from England (Ted Talk: “How to save hundreds of lives”).

They show us that we have a choice. We can choose to have a great life for ourselves and, at the same time, save hundreds of lives.

To further emphasize the concept of generosity, Ken A, St. Mark Council Member, shared his perspective on the right time to give. Perhaps after the holidays when things are not so hectic? On second thought, now is the time of year we are reminded of the best gift we were ever given. And what does God expect in return for this gift? Only that we generously reach out to those in need.

Within the North Thurston School District there are hundreds of homeless families, some living in cars, some outside in the woods. As an extension of our work with Mountain View Elementary School, our “Everest Moment” may be our generous gifts to their Homeless Kids project. That would certainly be an Everest-kind-of-thing here in our own community…big vision, team effort, internal rewards.

As we move into the season of Advent with it’s theme of waiting for Jesus, Pastor Eric invites us to think about it in another way. God is waiting for us…to give what we can, with a generous heart, in a manner that will move us further up that mountain.

Listen to the full sermons by clicking the link below.

1st Sunday of Advent