The last, the low, the little, the least.

In biblical times, wealth was seen as a blessing from God. But our Gospel for today turns this thinking upside down. Jesus says, “Sell what you own, give everything to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come and follow me.” For mortals, this is impossible; about as likely as a camel fitting through the eye of a needle.

To further illustrate this point, in today’s sermon, Retired Pastor David Nelson asks, “Whose side is God really on? God doesn’t show partiality, right?”

WRONG! God takes sides. Again and again. He takes the side of the poor, the marginalized, “the last, the low, the little, the least” (Paul).

But who among us has really given up all we have, and given everything to the poor? Throughout his life, Jesus lived this way. And in the end, he actually took on the form of the last, the lowest, the least…on a hill…on a cross.

To listen to Retired Pastor Nelson’s entire sermon, click the link below.


20th Sunday after Pentecost