Quilts for the World

The year of making quilts ends in Oct when we share the quilts made in the last 12 months at Sunday morning worship. With the blessings of our St Mark family, the quilts are packed into boxes. Our quilts are taken to the regional shipping center in Seattle by our friends at Church of the Good Shepherd in Olympia.

From Seattle the quilts from Western Washington churches are taken to Minnesota where they are sorted and prepared for shipment to locations around the world, wherever there is a need.

Our group of quilters meets weekly on Wednesday morning from 9:30 -11:30. We would welcome new members as we begin our new year of quilt making. We made 51 quilts this year for shipment to Lutheran World Relief and also shared some quilts within our church family. We also made a number of lap and baby quilts that will be donated locally.

Our fabric, batting, and yarn are donated and we always welcome your donated materials. Thrivent has supplied batting to our group for a number of years and we thank them for this help. Donated colored bed sheets in good condition become the backs of our quilts.

To learn more about the Lutheran World Relief quilting project go to lwr.org/kits.


Quilts 2015