Please join us in welcoming our neighbors across the street this Sunday, April 21. The Mountain View Elementary principal, Kurt Hatch, and Michelle Zodrow, their intervention specialist, will be here to receive a check of over $10,000 you raised, beyond regular giving, to begin our ministry and partnership with our school. This will be a great launch to work with our friends and students, and their families, across College Street. Just like many of you have faithfully supported the Safi School across the globe, this will add a wonderful local expression to our efforts of making a difference in Jesus’ name.
We will have an reception and question and answer period between the services, during the coffee hour, so please greet them warmly, as only St. Mark can. You will hear of some initial plans for what is next, as we move forward working with the school.
Thank you for your support, enthusiasm, and commitment to this first step of our partnership.
Peace to you, and see you in church.
Pastor Eric and Beth.