The following brief summary is taken from the website. For more details see the Day1 website.
“Day1 is the voice of the mainline Protestant churches, presenting outstanding preachers from the mainline Protestant denominations, including the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, the Episcopal Church, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), United Church of Christ, United Methodist Church, and others. The Day1 website features an extensive library of lectionary-based sermons in text and audio, video resources, and helpful blog posts, along with other helpful information for lay persons and pastors.”
A typical 30 minute audio broadcast consists of the current day’s gospel, a 10 to 15 minute sermon, and before and after discussions of those 2 items. It is not a full church service but does provide a gospel reading and sermon.
Without logging in to Day1, audios of the last 3 radio broadcasts and all text information is available. Just click the “Launch Day1 Playlist” from any Day1 Page or click the “Listen to Day1 Now” link in the middle of the Day1 homepage to hear the last 3 audios.
To log in to Day1, requires registration with Day1. Registration is free and only requires providing your E-mail address and selecting a password. To register click “New User Sign Up” at the top of the Day1 homepage. When logged in, all audio and video content is available.